
Life12 ENV/IT/719


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The LIFE programme is the EU's funding instrument for the environment. The general objective of LIFE is to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental policy and legislation by cofinancing pilot or demonstration projects with European added value. The current phase of the programme, LIFE+, runs from 2007-2013 and has a budget of €2.143 billion. Proposals must be eligible under one of the programme's three components: LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity; LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance; and LIFE+ Information and Communication. The Environment Policy & Governance component continues and extends the former LIFE Environment programme. It will cofinance innovative or pilot projects that contribute to the implementation of European environmental policy and the development of innovative policy ideas, technologies, methods and instruments. It will also help monitor pressures on our environment.

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The LIFE+ CarbOnFarm project represents an application of both demonstrative and innovative practices aimed to promote the sustainable Soil Organic Matter (SOM) managements in the agro-ecosystems. The objective is the restoration of SOM functions in agricultural soils, attained through the valorization of local recycled agricultural biomasses and with soil application of green chemistry products; these practices will be applied at farm scale reproducing the local regional farming systems. The project strategies approach the environmental problems related to the decrease of soil organic carbon content and to soil degradation, in agricultural areas of Mediterranean countries, which are among the chiefly target objectives advised by EU Soil Thematic Strategy.

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News and events

Summer school

Portici July 2017

summer school

Within the dissemination activities of the LIFE CarbOnFarm project, the coordinating beneficiary CERMANU organizes a Summer school at the Royal palace of Portici focused on the role of Natural Organic Matter in the implementation of Biological agriculture. The lecture topics will also refer to recent development of products and technologies aimed to improve the environmental and economical benefits of methods for the restoration of soil quality and increase of crop productivity.


[18.02.18] Diffusione della pratica di utilizzo degli scarti aziendali per la produzione di compost


[15.06.17] Milano - 15 giugno 2017 convegno finale del progetto Life+ HELPSOIL

[11.02.17] Lombriasco (TO) - 13 febbraio 2017 - Compost e altre strategie utili per la sostanza organica del suolo

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Project's partners

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CERMANU - The Interdepartmental Centre for Research on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for Environment, Food, Agro-ecosystems and Innovative Materials. University of Naples Federico II.

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