Prima Luce
The Beneficiary Prima Luce is an agricultural company located in Campania region in the territory of Piana del Sele which is characterized by the high quality of typical agricultural products and by the large diffusion of technological and innovative agricultural practices.
The productive target is focused on the development of biological agronomical practices that combine the high quality of agricultural products with the environmental sustainability, maintenance of biodiversity and eco-friendly management of agricultural residues and by-products
The activity and products of Prima Luce are fully consistent with the European Regulation EC 178/2002 on the traceability of agricultural products and food. The agricultural activities of Prima Luce are also focused on the production, processing, marketing and distribution of high quality biological products, also obtained through the application of organic farming systems and biodynamic methods in accordance with the Community Regulation CEE 2092/1991.
The constitutive act the Prima Luce establishes among the priority objectives the valorisation, also for educational purpose, of local territory and rural heritage, and of the typical agro-forestry production of Campania Region in a context of environmental sustainability.